Monday, April 30, 2012

Z is for Zenith

Zenith means the highest point of a mountain. Let me paint you a picture...

You did it. You finished your novel, and your book is published. It is a New York Times best seller, and one of the best selling books in existence. Millions have read your book and cherish and love your characters. You got everything you ever wanted! Right.....? 

But, what then? What are your other goals, your other dreams? Are you so poured into your writing that, when and if things happen, you have no goals left?

Writing is wonderful, but it's not all there is. Even if you are not, by the worlds standards, overly successful with writing: There are more adventures, more things in life to look forward to, more reason to hope.

Life... Life is a climb. You go up, and you go down. You are energetic, you are tired. You are weak, and you are strong.

But there's always gonna be another mountain, 
I'm always gonna wanna make it move, 
Always gonna be an uphill battle, 
And sometimes I'm gonna have to lose, 
Doesn't matter how fast I get there, 

Ain't about how fast I get there, 
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side, 
It's the climb.... 

-Miley Cyrus


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Y is for Yird

Yird means to bury.

When is it time to decide that some ideas just. don't. work? 

I've quit one project about half a year ago, because I realized it didn't work. I, being only 13, need more experiences in my life to truly write some situations with the quality they deserve. So... I'm waiting. I'm doing things that I can write, characters I can relate to.

And maybe, in a few years, I will know what it's like to do those things. But for now, I'm happy writing stuff that's... well.. that's me. 

What about you? Have you had times similar to mine, where you just had to leave something behind?


Friday, April 27, 2012

X is for Xenomorphic

Xenomorphic. I bet you haven't heard of that word before! Actually, I hadn't either until this morning. It means something that has a form that is not it's own.

What makes your characters act..well... different? 

And I don't just mean different from other characters, I mean different from themselves. I'm not even talking about typical mood swings, emotions, etc; I mean what makes them completely change their character?

For me, at least, it is generally a tragedy, but it can really be just about any life-changing event... Things that make me (us) never the same.

Because, once we go on an adventure, we can never come home. It just simply isn't the same place. The people have changed, the place has changed.... and whether we want to admit it or not, we change.

Take The Lord of the Rings, (the book!) for example. Frodo goes on a long journey. He sees people die, he sees war. He sees beauty, too... Elves, love, and loyalty. But once he saw those things, it was impossible for him to go back to his old life at the Shire.

You can never come home.  


Thursday, April 26, 2012

W is for What?! Are you crazy Leslie?

Ok, this is going to be interesting. I am going to take you on the crazy mental process called "Leslie's Train of Thought". I was thinking about the letter W and what to post on. At first, the name of this post was "W is for Water". Why? Well I was just pondering the other posts I have been doing and I realized that we have been posting on complicated topics. So I thought about simple things. (like Water)  Then I thought about the song, Simple Song by Miley Cyrus. (I usually dont use Miley Cyrus in any type of... anything, but this is actually relevant) There is one line that I really like.

Somebody push it away

Cause all I wanna hear

Is a simple song
Miley Cyrus
I think that is what I feel called to write about today. In our books, we find the need for more. More plot twists, more love triangles, more of anything that will set our books apart. Maybe sometimes we just need to push all the complicated stuff away and go for simple. One book that I love, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is a reletively simple plot. Now I am in no way saying that this book is a simple, 1 dimentional story, quite the contrary, it is full of amazing stuff that you see as you read into the book, but it is not full of soap opera drama or crazy things. It is a plot that all can read and love. It is simple. So, I say, make sure that you have depth, but not to be too crazy. Sometimes all I want to hear, is a simple song.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

V is for Vacancy

He makes me feel so wonderful. When I'm around her, everything changes and I feel like I can really be myself. 

We, as authors, strive to show what our characters think, feel, and do when around other characters. And there's nothing wrong with that.

But what are characters like when they aren't around those characters? After all, if one character is practically the crutch for another person, won't the person stumble when they are alone?

I dare you today to not only show what characters are with this other person, but show what they are without them. It adds a lot of depth to any book.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

U is for Unrealistic

If you look at any Disney Chanel TV show, you can see what I am talking about. There are unrealistic scripts with unrealistic characters. Confused? Well, how about I give an example. Lets take the show Ant Farm. It is about middle school kids going to high school because they have a gift. Each of them is a genius in a different way. (eg. Photographic memory, gifted musician ect.) This show irks me. All of the authority figures are portrayed as idiotic. In real life, parents and other authority figures are smart and we are to respect them. The situations that come up in these TV shows are simply unrealistic. I do not like unrealistic plots or characters. I think a good piece of literature is relateable but just different enough to create interest.
Your thoughts?

Monday, April 23, 2012

T is for Tacenda

Essentially, tacenda means things that shouldn't be mentioned. I think that sometimes, writers (and people in general) go a little overboard on what needs to be said, or what a certain age group can handle.

Let me give you an example. I was at a Christian weekend camp, and the pastor was giving a sermon. They started talking about Jesus' death, and to explain it thoroughly, they played a long (I want to say 10-20 minute long) clip of The Passion.

Now, for those of you who don't know, The Passion is a movie emphasizing on Christ's last human hours. And it's rated R--for good reason. It does a great job showing what really happened then, but it is very gruesome.

I would say that it would probably be appropriate for people 16+.  So, if it was just a high-school weekend, it probably would've been fine.

But there was more then just high-school students there. There were 6th, maybe even 5th, graders there--most of which were covering their eyes and looking the other way.

They weren't getting the message of "Wow, Jesus went through all of that for me--He must really care." They were getting the message of, "Oh my goodness, please turn this off before I throw up!!"

Sometimes, I think it's best to keep it simple. Try dropping small, yet clear, hints to your point--minds mature enough to pick up on it will get your meaning, but those too young for the message will skim right over it.

Christopher Paolini, for example, does an excellent job at this.

I hope that you found this useful!


Saturday, April 21, 2012

S is for Skinny

We all see the examples of "the perfect body". All the models, movie stars and celebrities seem to be these super thin creatures who are almost impossibly good looking. I am so annoyed that I care about how they look and that I compare myself to them. I do not want to be like them, yet I find myself doubting how I look because I will never be like that. I feel that I am not pretty at all. There are so many others like me that feel like they are not beautiful because we do not all look like a stick figure. It hurts. The "perfect body" is forced upon us all the time. On TV, in schools, even in books there is this belief that everyone will have skinny legs and flat stomachs. I believe that a character who has a perfect body is not as relateable to the common girl. Instead of getting ingrossed in the story, they will obsess over how the character looks. Now, I may be wrong, but I find myself doing that. I challange us all to reject the unabtainable "norm" and embrace being different with the way we write. Your thoughts?


Friday, April 20, 2012

R is for Randomness

I have been told by many a people that I am very random (in both good and bad ways). Some (ahem) claim that my ideas are absurd and unrealistic. Others find them merely entertaining.

What I want to know, however is this: What is wrong with the occasional random idea? I realize that ideas can't always be strange and silly, but honestly, isn't life random in and of itself?

Like, how Leslie said in her "Q" post, one of her characters has a strange thing with garlic bread where it will show up in random places, dragging him to new levels of aggravation.

So what if it's random? Use it!


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Q is for Quidditative

quidditative = quirky; eccentric

I am almost positive that none of you have ever heard this word before. To be honest, I looked up "obscure words that begin with the letter Q" and this word was on a huge list of Q words! When did anyone have time to come up with that?! It was pretty cool. Well anyway, I really love this word. It describes me to a t. (Liz agrees;) ) Because of this word, I chose to give one of the characters in my book a strange "thing" with Garlic Bread. Shocking, I know. So far, he has burnt it and eaten it with a spicy taco. Later, he is going to be assaulted by a man in a garlic bread costume and have a dream where he is eaten by garlic bread. Oh, if anyone has any good ideas about how else I can use garlic bread, please leave me a comment with your idea. (Liz, you are not allowed to post any crazy ideas from two in the morning!)

What does this have to do with writing? It is an awesome way to flesh out your characters. Giving them a quiddity of some sort can make a character more relateable. If you want, send in some quirks that you think are good ideas!

Here are a few more words that begin with Q!

quiddity = unique essence; eccentricity

quat = a pimple; an insignificant person

quatch = a word; a sound

quadragesimarian = one who observes Lent

quadragenarian = a person between 40 and 49 years of age

quomodocunquize = to make money in any way possible

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

P is for Pessimistic

Though I try hard to rebel against very immature this side of me, there is a large portion of me that is a major pessimistic. I'm always terrified that things are going to go wrong. I'm scared of the dark.

I've had things stolen, heart broken, and have seen loved ones suffer (who hasn't?).

When I get on a roller coaster, I always look at the loops and wonder if the staff secured my straps enough, wondering if I will fall off and die.

But... I don't.

Yeah, it can be a rough ride and your head can hurt. You may be uncomfortable in your seat, or unable to stop screaming when it goes through all of the things normal for roller coaster, but not so common for our everyday lives. It's exhilarating, and  in the end, you're glad you did it (most of the time), and found that it wasn't as bad as you thought.

You see, that's where the other side of me comes in. The other side knows that, even if bad things will happen, it's all a small part in the bigger picture.

I know that I don't need to be afraid of the dark, because I know that it doesn't have the ultimate power. I don't need to be afraid of my past--because I have so much of my future (however long it may be) ahead of me.

In a way, this relates to writing. Sometimes we stop because someone has criticized our writing and claimed that it's not good enough. Some of us will go through dry spots where we simply don't know what to write. But why should that make us scared to write again? Because, you know what, if we spend so much time being pessimistic about the future, we'll be at the same place fifty years later.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

O is for Omega and Omicron

 Do any of you have trouble coming up with names for places or things? (I know that Liz did a post on people names, but this is for inanimate objects or places.) I have trouble with it. 

I was trying to create a killer rollercoaster and couldent come up with anything. So, I looked up the name Terror of the Skys in Latin. I really like dead languages. Well, it turned out to be the Terror Caeli. I really liked that, so I did the same thing for another object, a Vox Eruditio Fabrica. It basicly means a voice of learning. 

If you are having trouble with names, just put the literal description or an atribute of the thing and translate it into a different language. If you want to be crafty, use a language that few will know. You could also use a well known language. So do you have any ideas for names? Tell me in the comments.


Monday, April 16, 2012

N is for Nature

Have you ever had the ever-present case of "Writers Block"? My guess is that you have. Here is a little tip that I have found to be rather helpful when I am experiencing a lack of inspiration.

Go outside! Let the wonders of nature inspire you. It's spring! Flowers are blooming, trees are getting their leaves... stare at something until your imagination is revived. It works.

For those of you that have been following for a while, you will know that I am a photography freak. I haven't posted pictures on here in a while, and considering the topic for today is "Nature", some pictures fit in quite nicely.

Here are some of my latest shots:

*Please note: These pictures are ones that I have taken the time to take and edit, so please do not use without permission.* 

Which one is your favorite? 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

M is for Meaningful

One thing--for some reason, my post for "L" ended up being behind "K".  Just in case you were wondering, I do not have my alphabet mixed up.

Anyway, on with the post. Has there ever been any section of a book/movie where one of the characters stood up and gave a motivational speech, and you have had hope from it ever since? I know I have.

I think that it is very important that every book has one of these in some shape or form. Because, in the end, these passages can really encourage people (myself included) in their everyday lives. And that's BIG. I mean, sure, it's great to give people entertainment and all, but that pleasure is only temporary. When you have something that's really meaningful, it has the potential to change lives.

Here is one of my favorite meaningful movie speeches. Are there any that you find inspiring? Why? Tell me in the comments!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

K is for Kiss

Kisses. Kisses. Kisses. Kisses. 

They surround our books, our movies, our music, and so much more--they surround our culture. 

But I have to ask--is kissing really the best way to build a (book) believable relationship? They are an expression of love, but how do they fit if the love isn't there in the first place? 

I cannot tell you how many movies I've seen (and books I've read) where these two people just randomly kiss, when you didn't even know they cared for each other in the first place. 


They start out taking the time to get to know the couple, but then, once that foundation is laid, all the romance is is kissing. 

So, I guess this is what I'm trying to say--are your characters ready to kiss? 


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

L is for Lets Pretend its J and Call it Justify

I know, I cheated. Oh well.

Battle scenes, romance, friendship.... they add a lot to a story--if done correctly.

Why is your MC head-over-heels in love with this other person? Why am I going to believe their love? Why are other readers going to believe it?

Why does one character hold a grudge over another?  How is it justified? 

I find that often, the author knows everything in their head--why this character is angry, why they are in love, why they are good friends. In fact, they know it so well that often, they forget to put it in the literal book.

That happened a lot with my previous project. I knew how important my MC was, but I didn't take the time to explain it to my readers.

So tell me, why? 


J is for Jellybeans

In honor of Easter, I am going to post on jellybeans. I love those little doses of flavored sugar. JellyBellys are some of the best ones there are. They are different kinds of sweetness. I mean, what is a dessert without different textures and flavors? Its the same with books. When you have those nice moments for your characters, make sure that they are different. For example, a coffee flavored jellybean has a hint of bitter along with the sweet. Bittersweet moments are some of my favorite moments in a gripping book. Another flavor is cherry. I find it so incredibly sweet that they are almost hard to eat. Giving a character a fluffy, almost overly sweet moment can really bring out good qualitys in your characters, as long s you play it right for your character. Well, from the land of sweet goodness, Have a blessed Easter week!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I is for Intricate

Characters are like people. They are unique, they are intricate.

What makes them scream? What makes them laugh? What makes them cry? What is the person that they just can't stand?

I think sometimes we--myself included--forget just how fragile people (and, therefore, our characters) can be. I  know many people, including myself, that will be laughing one moment and crying the next. Because they have so many little pieces that make them just who they are, it doesn't take much to make their emotions sway from one way to another. Sometimes, even one word will completely change their attitude--perhaps it will bring up a past memory, or something that they are scared will happen in the future.

People aren't simple, and neither is a true, realistic character.


Monday, April 9, 2012

H is for Hand-Made

Is it just me, or is there just something special about making something with your own two hands? I tend to be very artsy, so now, I can look back and see all of the things I've made--art projects, sketches, paintings, jewelry, tool-boxes, bird-houses, cabinets, pillow-cases, hats... there's so many things!

I find that I'm much better at some of the things then I used to be. Like now, instead of putting plastic beads on a string and tying a knot, I make it with wire, crimp beads, and glass beads--and it looks really good! Of course, I still have a lot of room for improvement, but I'm getting there.

But I don't take pride in it because it looks cool--I take pride in it because it's something I made with my own hands, and how those hands have improved at making things.

In my opinion, it's the same way with writing. I'm not proud of it because sometimes it sounds good, I'm proud of it because it's something that I wrote.  And even if it doesn't always end up sounding all that good, I'll stand by it and be proud, because I wrote it. 

Just like you should be proud of what you write--not because it might sound good to an agent/other reader (whose opinions can always change), but because you wrote it, and nothing can ever change that.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

G is for Good

So,  I talked about Destruction for D, but are you making sure that good things happen to your characters, too? When was the last time when they got a day off, or got something they really wanted?

I think that, though characters (like people) need to suffer, they also need to be blessed--because, hey, who's going to want to read about someone who only has near death experiences?

What's your MC's happy moment?


Friday, April 6, 2012

F is for Fairytale

Jenna looked out her window, wondering if that day was going to be the day that some prince would come and sweep her off her feet to take her away to his castle.

Her parents had continually told her that he would come soon. Jenna was betrothed to a Prince that lived in a land very far away. But Jenna was getting anxious.

That day, however, her beloved Prince Joshua did come—just not in the way she expected. Jenna was expecting him to arrive in some splendid fashion with trumpets and carriages, with rich velvet robes and gifts.

Yet, Prince Joshua came in the form of a servant, and hardly anyone recognized him. In fact, those that did were his fellow servants.

Prince Joshua didn’t come that way because he had a lack of money, but because he wanted to test Jenna’s character, to see if she only loved him for his wealth. 

One day, when Jenna was out walking in her gardens, a carriage came out at her. Jenna’s feet locked in the middle of the road, just shocked. She was going to die.

But Prince Joshua came out and pushed her out of the way, allowing the horses to trample over him, killing him.
Jenna rushed over to his side. The moment that she actually looked at his eyes, she realized who he was. “No! How could I have not recognized you? Prince! Come back to me!”

Jenna started sobbing, her tears pouring over his dead face.

She screamed until her lungs ached so much she could barely whisper. Some of her brothers came over and carried him back to the palace, distraught that they hadn’t recognized him. 

The whole royal family was terrified that the king would come and wipe them all out for not recognizing him and taking good care of him, for Joshua was the King’s only son.

But, because of Joshua’s sacrifice, the King forgave them.

Two days later, Jenna was once again out in the garden, when Prince Joshua appeared to her, and this time he 
didn’t look like a servant. His face was glowing, and he wore cloaks of bright white. “Jenna.”

Jenna ran up to him and cried at his feet. “How are you here? Why did you die?”

Prince Joshua looked at her tenderly. “I am here because death doesn’t confine me. I died for you—now that I’ve died, you can be forgiven.  If you believe in what you have seen—my death and resurrection—you can come live with me in my Kingdom after you die. Your faith will be tested, but take heart: For I have overcome the world.”  


Thursday, April 5, 2012

E is for Elemental


Elemental By Emily White

Quote: The moment I let go of my control, the pain vanished, replaced by hunger--for what, I didn't know yet. All I did know was that every cell in my body ached to devour. (Ella)

  Just because seventeen-year-old Ella can burn someone to the ground with her mind doesn’t mean she should. But she wants to. For ten years--ever since she was a small child--Ella has been held prisoner. Now that she has escaped, she needs answers.  Who is she? Why was she taken? And who is the boy with the beautiful green eyes who haunts her memories? Is Ella the prophesied Destructor... or will she be the one who's destroyed? (From Emily White's Blog)

 Ella is beaten and bleeding in the beginning of the book and is wounded later as well. The descriptions are not graphic. A woman is killed in a fire that Ella creates. In one part of the book, one man tries to force himself on Ella when he is killed by her. Meir describes the deaths of his family and is hurt quite badly at one point. One person is burned badly and is in a coma. A ceremony is described that involves burning skin.
Ella and Calien kiss a few times. Their feelings for each other involve a need but nothing happens.

There is a god named Manoo who has to devour someone to keep in power. There also is a god, El, who seems to oversee all.

I really liked this book. It had a si-fi feeling but still had fantasy in it. It drew me in and I just had to finish it.
I think that the idea that there is a plan to this world is my favorite part.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

D is for Destruction

Say you glance at a newspaper/magazine, for just long enough to read all of the top headlines. Which type stand out the most?

I don't know about you, but for me it's not the ones that are happy and cheerful, it's the ones that talk about complete and utter chaos.

Because they're interesting. Because they could be life-changing. They can leave you thinking, and can stay in your head for hours (or longer).

It's the same way with books.

I'm not going to remember something where there was no I-can't-believe-that-just-happened moments in it--there needs to be something in there to shake it up. You never knew what you have until it's gone.

For me, at least, I find that the times I care about the characters most is when they're either dead or badly injured (mentally or physically) and can never be the same--because, then, I realize just how much I loved them and therefore just how much I miss them and hope in vain that they can be restored to what they used to be.

Don't. Be. Afraid. To cause mass destruction in your book! Destruction happens in real life, why shouldn't it happen in books?!

So, tell me in the comments--what's the big chaotic moment in your book?


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

C is for Courageous

No, this is not about the recent movie, although the soundtrack by Casting Crowns did have a bit of influence. It would have been about the movie if I had seen it! Because I haven't, however, I am using my own take on being courageous.

I have had a streak of funny luck lately. I have been seeing, listening to and hearing about movies and books like Courageous. (eg. Facing the Giants, The Blind Side ect.) They all seem to have a common theme. They all are about being courageous. Facing the Giants shows courage. The coach of a football team makes a commitment to trust in God in all circumstances. The coach is at risk of losing his job, his house is falling apart, his car breaks down constantly and he and his wife are unable to have kids. He is falling into the trap of failure. Yet, when things are at their worst, God sends a man to give this coach a message. It gives him the insiration to make a resolution.

Grant Taylor: I want God to bless this team so much people will talk about what He did. But it means we gotta give Him our best in every area. And if we win, we praise Him. And if we lose, we praise Him. Either way we honor Him with our actions and our attitudes. So I'm askin' you... What are you living for? I resolve to give God everything I've got, then I'll leave the results up to Him. I want to know if you'll join me."

So Grant (The Coach) is courageous in his goal to give God his best in all things. More examples? Take The Blind Side (one of my personal favorites) A woman named Leigh Anne takes in a black kid named Michael who is the son of a drug addicted woman and lives on the streets but was accepted into a private christian school. The courage in this movie is the courage that Leigh Anne shows in accepting Michael.

Elaine: [talking about the Tuohy's Christmas card photo with Michael in it]
Elaine: He looks so big compared to you like Jessica Lange right next to King Kong
[amidst chuckles]
Beth: Hey, does Michael get the family discount at Taco Bell? 'Cause if he does Sean is gonna lose a few stores.
Leigh Anne Touhy: He's a good kid.
Elaine: Well, I say you make it official and just adopt him
Leigh Anne Touhy: He's going to be eighteen in a few months it doesn't make much sense to legally adopt.
[they all stare at her]
Sherry: Leigh Ann, is this some sort of white guilt thing?
Elaine: What would your Daddy say?
Leigh Anne Touhy: Um... before or after he turns around in his grave? Daddy's been gone five years Elaine. Make matters worse you were at the funeral, remember? You were Chanel-ing that awful black hat? Look, here's the deal, I don't need y'all to approve my choices alright, but I do ask that you respect them. You have no idea what this boy has been through and if this becomes some running diatribe, I can find overpriced salad a lot closer to home.
Sherry: Leigh Ann, I'm so sorry, we didn't mean to...
Elaine: No, we didn't really.
Beth: I think what you are doing is so great. Opening up your home to him... honey, you are changing that boy's life.
Leigh Anne Touhy: No, he's changing mine.
Elaine: [snidely] And that's great for you. But, seriously, Leigh Ann, aren't you worried for Collins? I mean, she's a beautiful white girl, and he's a big, black boy.
Leigh Anne Touhy: Shame on you.
[gets up]
Leigh Anne Touhy: I'm getting this. [she leaves]

A bit longish, but one of the best quotes from the movie. Leigh Anne is showing God in her actions; she has the courage to stand up for Mike.

How about one last example. This one is not from a movie. This example is real. It is something I see all the time. Well, I see different things about it. What I want to see is Christians being courageous. Sometimes you see people like Tim Tebow who honor God in front of the world. Those people are the ones who will risk embarrassment or worse to honor their God. I want to be one of those people. There is another side to this though. Unfortunately, the best example I see of this side is at a camp I love to go to. In this camp, people are not showing God in what they do. There are power games and drama from people who are christians. It seems like they are just saying they believe in God but are not courageous enough to honor God in all they do.

Well... Here is my challange to you. I know I don't post very much Bible related stuff, but this verse is a good beginning to my challange. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9
My challenge is to be courageous. I am going to try to let God show in all that I do. Particularly in the book I am writing. I want God to show through me. Good luck and God Bless!


Monday, April 2, 2012

B is for Beliefs

I have put aside my old book. It's done with. Over. Finished.  

I liked it, but a few days ago as I was typing, I thought: What is the purpose of this book? What are the morals I'm trying to show my readers? What will they gain from it? Does the light of Christ shine through it? 

I am, as I have stated before, a Christian. And I want Christ to shine in everything I do... and it wasn't in my book. So, I'm starting a  new one! It's called (drum-roll, please....).... 

The Un-Spoken! 

I'm going to be posting excerpts of it as I write, and all critiques are highly appreciated.  

But the tea only lasted so long. There are times in life to delay, and there are others when you have to get up and deal with the situation that life has given you. Realizing the truth, Emily took her empty Styrofoam cup and hurled it at the door, only to regret it seconds later.

She clenched her teeth as tears began to pour out of her eyes. Why was this happening to her? She was a good person, was she not? 

The nurse knocked softly on the door. “Emily, honey, can I come in?”

Emily’s response was barely audible. “Yes.”  

The nurse approached Emily’s chair with care. “Have you made your decision yet, sweet-heart?”

Emily nodded.
            "Then let's talk...."  

Now, I'm writing with a purpose again--and I couldn't be happier with my decision. Writing is so much easier when you actually believe it yourself. 

Have you ever had a time when you felt that your writing lacked purpose? What did you do in response? Tell me in the comments!
